That's what it had been, he decided, as he watched the Borg cube on its inexorable course for Earth.
What George Stevens does in his film is capture the inexorable course of age and change, social change particularly.
Half of today's Russians think that, starting on that day, the country began its inexorable course in the wrong direction.
But some patients have died despite the drug treatment and, in others, the inexorable course of the disease has begun again despite their treatment.
What had just happened was such a titanic EVENT that I was a bit surprised that the sun didn't falter and then stop in his inexorable course.
God continued the inexorable course of his divine love, and again from that immeasurable passion spoke the word of creation and out of nothing called into existence the material universe.
The inexorable course of this colonial war meant that many people in France, especially within the army, were not prepared to entertain anything that entailed France giving up military sovereignty.
Upon arrival in the system, the troid is pointed at the target planet, and set on its inexorable course.
Less than an hour's flight away from my native Sicily, the tragedy of two peoples with which we share friendship, history, culture and trade is continuing along its inexorable course.
Given nature's inexorable course, however, today's football extravaganza might well be heralded by a blare of trumpets: the flaring petals of countless amaryllis.