A focus on life years recognizes that there are inevitable trade-offs involved in health and safety policies.
Because the amount of VideoRAM can only be used to give a higher resolution OR more colours there is an inevitable trade-off.
"Although initially consulted, the actual users have not been given any role in the inevitable trade-offs until very recently."
Instead of the inevitable trade-off between citizens' safety and a free society, we got alternative solutions.
According to some economists, it is possible for the concepts of sustainable development and competitiveness to merge if enacted wisely, so that there is not an inevitable trade-off.
But in all such set-ups, image sharpness is sacrificed to size - a technically inevitable trade-off.
The inevitable trade-off between safety and cost, plus the law of diminishing returns, dictates that you stop well short of the highest possible standards.
In constrained poetry of this sort, there is an inevitable trade-off between working as a poem per se and working as a wordplay stunt.
But she cautioned that there were inevitable trade-offs.
There is an inevitable trade-off between sensor size and compactness of the camera, due to the size of the lens required.