With the old man missing, her abduction had been the logical and inevitable move.
Setting up WikiLeaks in his mid-30s looks like an inevitable move.
It was an inevitable move because it brought the show back to its standard two-team makeup, instead of a more unwieldy four-team format.
Thus he alludes to an inevitable move towards a rational-legal structure of authority, utilizing a bureaucratic structure.
"There's an inevitable move to use the Internet as a distribution medium, and that's not going to stop."
In these works he alludes to an inevitable move towards rationalization.
There was the inevitable move to somewhere secluded (in this case a quaint suburb of London called Paris).
They may well arrive once the saga of Fabregas' seemingly inevitable move to Barcelona is concluded.
Klag stood up; he also turned to face his first officer, handily covering his inevitable move to the right as he did so.
"But as I was being pursued a little bit more, I realized it was going to be like an inevitable move."