Diversity is an inescapable consequence - in my view a healthy one.
I was choosing to be alone then; it was not the inescapable consequence of the wolf's death, nor even a carefully considered decision.
Because if you are correct, Erasmus, there are inescapable and violent consequences for their entire race.
Yet there are plenty of grievances, and they are not all inescapable consequences of deregulation.
It is an inescapable consequence of the role we have assigned to ourselves as the principal guarantor of security and stability in the region.
Only one threat loomed over the Harper household, and that was her pregnancy, the inescapable consequences of her sin.
It reminds us that intervention (just like nonintervention) is an inherently political action with inescapable political consequences.
We believe that all of this has inescapable consequences as far as the European Union is concerned.
That happens to be an inescapable consequence of the starting situation.
Mr. Cutler said such mistakes were the inescapable consequence of trying to get information out quickly.