The entire warhead was filled with inert nitrogen, which meant there was no stray oxygen to ruin the onboard chemicals or cause the ethylene to burn on warhead detonation.
And it will take another six months to reach full production; the pumps at the plant are filled with special grease to preserve them while inactive, and the pipes are filled with inert nitrogen.
They filled the tube with inert nitrogen to get a longer burn life in the filament.
These two gases are the planet's first and third most abundant gases, respectively; the second most abundant gas is inert nitrogen.
In general, the hotter the temperature in a cylinder, the more the usually inert nitrogen in air is converted into nitrogen oxides.
Don tried to visualize how a world might be deprived of air and water in one quiet operation, with inert nitrogen substituted for both, and could not.
The bonding procedure for oxidizing metals (not Au) generally takes place in a reduced atmosphere of 4% hydrogen and an inert carrier gas flow, e.g. nitrogen.
Once sealed, the containers would also hold the inert nitrogen.
For artillery the most effective method is a propellant that produces a large proportion of inert nitrogen at relatively low temperatures that dilutes the combustible gases.
This is made possible by largely inert atmospheric nitrogen being changed in a nitrogen fixation process to biologically usable forms in the soil by bacteria.