Loading such files later on from disk storage is also a very time consuming and computationally inefficient procedure.
Poor technique and incorrect information passed on by a person in a supervisory position may perpetuate the use of unsafe or inefficient procedures.
This was a most inefficient procedure which diverted men from their duties as rowers and warriors.
Modernization of the judiciary has yet to affect the civil justice system, which was characterized by antiquated and inefficient procedures.
Purchasing problems will remain, he said, as long as the F.A.A. has to follow today's "laborious and inefficient procedures."
Much of the work results in recommendations to decisionmakers to streamline operations, reduce unnecessary regulations, improve customer service, and minimize inefficient and ineffective procedures.
In addition to being a notoriously inefficient procedure, animal cloning has produced many animals with conspicuous developmental problems, like respiratory illnesses and overly large placentas.
Evaluations often result in recommendations to streamline operations, enhance data quality, and minimize inefficient and ineffective procedures.
It was a wasteful and inefficient procedure and there are now no Earthpeople that we will allow to serve as further settlers.
The instructions furnished by Caterpillar's engineers specify the inefficient procedure, Mr. Vaughan says.