Israel, like much of the socialist world, seems only now to be facing up to the problems of an inefficient socialist economy.
Economic reforms overall needed to rescue out of limbo the inefficient and helpless Nicaraguan economy.
But the democratic opposition is fractious and offers no coherent remedies for an inefficient, debt-ridden economy.
The hope that it will enable Israel to complete its transition from an inefficient if self-reliant siege economy to a full-fledged member of the technological elite.
"It's the most inefficient economy you can imagine."
The sluggish, grossly inefficient economy is the flywheel of Mr. Gorbachev's program and his political fate.
The companies making them are hoping for big returns in this country's humming but still highly inefficient economy.
But diplomats say the ossified political structures, endemic corruption and inefficient state-controlled economy remain largely untouched.
Algeria faces a more fundamental problem - a heavily state-run and inefficient economy gone awry.
After the over throw of the Communist Regime the inefficient Bulgarian economy was thrown into chaos.