Abba Saul designated as under suspicion of infidelity those that pronounce the ineffable name of God.
Schem Hamphoras is the Hebrew rabbinic name for the ineffable name of God, the tetragrammaton.
When David again warned him of the malediction, Ahithophel counseled the king to throw a tile, with the ineffable name of God written upon it, into the cavity; whereupon the waters began to sink.
Yeshu later went to the Jerusalem Temple and learned the letters of God's ineffable name (one could do anything desired by them).
In the Hebrew alphabet, however, "ten-five" represents a short version of the ineffable name of the Lord, and the Jews, uneasy at the sacrilege, allowed "fifteen" to be repre- sented as "nine-six" instead.
God's ineffable name as told to Moses is unutterable [Exodus 6:3] so why make an issue of it?
The revelation of the ineffable name "I AM WHO AM" contains then the truth that God alone IS.
P. P. Penrose states in his biography of Woodbine, Some Called Him Laz, that Jahbulon is the 'ineffable name of the Great Architect of the Universe'.
One of these frequent cases was God's name, which was not to be pronounced in fear of profaning the "ineffable name".
So in my heart I called upon Osiris, Lord of the Dead, to protect us, and even as I named the ineffable name, lo!