Shopping centers already account for more than 55 percent of all non-automotive retail sales, according to an industry study.
Maine Line started out targeting women - who buy 90 percent of all cards, industry studies show - but then divided that market.
One industry study found that a typical 1,000-employee company is now losing $10 million a year to such inefficiencies.
A 2002 industry study concluded, "After 10 years of downsizing in the 1990's, hospitals are making new building plans."
According to industry studies, home entertaining is on the rise.
But an analysis of industry studies casts doubt on that number.
As a result, according to a 1994 industry study, many women are convinced that milk is fattening and have stopped drinking it.
According to recent industry studies, manufacturer investment in shopper marketing is growing more than 21% annually.
The institute's study was based on people making at least a third more in annual income than those in the industry study.
It will cost airports an average of $100 million to upgrade their facilities, according to industry studies.