But even industry stalwarts believe they face a challenge.
The dinner provides an informal forum for industry stalwarts to share their invaluable insights and advice, while getting to understand the perspectives of a business school student.
As always the discussions were thought provoking and the industry stalwarts also infused this theme with the current market scenario.
Even the most sophisticated operatives were limited by what their budgets allowed and often chose industry stalwarts like Brinks or ADT.
The paper in newspaper may go away, insist industry stalwarts, but the news will remain.
In fact, the whole instrument stands up for itself without relying on those industry stalwarts for support in any way, which makes a very refreshing change.
Such restrictions would again put backers at odds with industry stalwarts in Congress.
Many small ones have gone out of business, and despite the rosy future that supposedly lies just over the horizon, even some industry stalwarts are bailing out.
The newer entrants in this segment of the direct sales market have not eclipsed the industry stalwarts.
The judging panel is made out of six IT industry stalwarts from various areas of expertise.