When the industries have relocated outside of cities, some have experienced population loss with associated urban decay, and even riots.
In 1913 a banana blight known as 'Panama disease' shut down many Caribbean plantations and the industry relocated to the Pacific.
Are we supposed to invest a portion of Social Security funds in the stock market before or after American industries wisely relocate overseas?
But our primary short-term goal is to keep consumer confidence up and to show there are ways to help business and industry relocate in the area.
Some industries have relocated from Ålesund to Skodje.
Simmern has grown tremendously in the last twenty years as more people and new industries have relocated to the area.
By the time the recovery from World War II stimulated the economy, industry had relocated to the suburbs, and the area gradually became more residential.
Little new industry arrived in the city during the 1980s and 1990s and some of the preexisting enterprises either closed down or relocated to the capital.
Opponents of the treaty fear many large industries would relocate from the United States to nonsigning nations if the treaty is ratified.
As industry relocated away from London during the 1960s, the population entered a decline, that has begun to reverse with new housing developments on brownfield sites.