Over the last two years, the category, which the industry refers to as out-of-home advertising, has been second only to the Internet in its growth rates.
The merchandise now on sale is from collections the industry refers to as cruise, which started filtering into stores last October.
The industry refers to these and similar devices as floor tricks.
The automotive industry refers to the design, manufacture, marketing and selling of motor vehicles.
The industry often refers to large malls as "the new downtown."
The approach is a variation on what the industry refers to as "contextual advertising."
"I've heard the industry refer to the thousand-pound gorilla and all the spider monkeys."
The creative industries refers to a range of economic activities which are concerned with the generation or exploitation of knowledge and information.
So while industry can refer, law enforcement and the federal court system have the responsibility to determine which are engaged in illegal conduct.
The industry generally refers to it as bullet-resistant glass or transparent armour.