And Harvey Weinstein, the co-chairman of Miramax, is an industry powerhouse.
Founded as a computer-languages company, Borland grew to be an industry powerhouse selling applications like spreadsheets and data base programs.
Both took strong, though not dominating companies and turned them into industry powerhouses.
But making the leap from creative upstart to industry powerhouse is tricky - and along the way, many young agencies have cooled off, failed or been swallowed up by larger ones.
One of those people he believed in was Juan Trippe who would build Pan American World Airways into an industry powerhouse.
Even the industry powerhouse, Circuit City Stores Inc., is feeling the pinch.
He assembled an industry powerhouse by engineering the merger of Shearson with E. F. Hutton in 1988.
The impetus for the flurry of activity was the threat of strikes from two industry powerhouses, the Writers Guild and the Screen Actors Guild.
Unquestionably, America Online is now an industry powerhouse.
Mr. Aron wants to turn the brand into an industry powerhouse by adding one or more hotels annually; it now has 10 properties.