Technical issues and industry lobbying are likely to remain hurdles to a do-not-spam law.
Some of the officials have been taken aback by the intensity of the industry lobbying.
I thought that, given the number of middle class men cycling, there might be some momentum to break the hold of industry lobbying of government.
The Coalition mobilized the children's health community to ensure that the new standard was protective and to counter industry lobbying.
Repeated efforts over the years to tighten the rules were blocked, often as a result of vigorous industry lobbying.
His staff denied industry lobbying had played a role.
Behind closed doors, industry lobbying and campaign donations to the Bush administration seem to have paid off.
The caps on emissions are set by industry lobbying, not by science.
Past efforts to tighten laws in these areas, particularly auditing standards, have been beaten back by industry lobbying.
The industry lobbying found its most sympathetic audience among House Republicans.