Live discussions with Ars editors, industry innovators, and a seat at the editorial roundtable.
The final version is scheduled for release in 2001, when it may help restore Apple's shine as an industry innovator in a marketplace dominated by Microsoft Windows.
A long-time industry innovator, Japonica has achieved entrepreneurial returns with low risk.
Transformed from a regional insurance company to a national industry innovator.
Listed in the "Leaders of the Pack" InTech's 50 most influential industry innovators since 1774 .
In 2009, bNet recognized Flat World Knowledge as an industry innovator for introducing an abundance-based disruptive business model to the college textbook industry.
Before its demise, Imperial was known as an industry innovator.
For an industry innovator, Apple is falling off the cart while the leaders of the industry are speeding ahead.
The forum is visited by a large international community, including many industry innovators and telecom experts.
Its Threat Analysis Console was listed in 2007 as an "industry innovator" by Secure Computing.