Thomas's industry helped the small town to become quite prosperous, and he himself became a wealthy landowner.
High-tech industry has helped spur the growth and is expected to remain 4he area's most important industry.
That industry helped create interest in the harbor.
This industry, he hopes, could help power Scotland to independence.
A booming high-tech industry and record numbers of tourists helped the country prosper in the late 1990's.
I suppose all the industry being blasted in the war helps that.
The popular farming industry also helped give way to Chappaqua's high milk production.
"Here is a place where business, industry, science centers and universities can all help," he says.
Among other steps, the industry would also help enforce rules prohibiting companies from advertising in a way intended to reach children.
The industry helped design it, and paid for it, at a cost of more than $5 million.