Due to recent development of this sector, the industry is exporting medicines to global markets, including the European market.
Either of these industries could effectively export all of Iceland's potential geothermal electricity.
As with Iraq, we will have to send U.S. pilots again to bomb things our industry has exported.
In 2002, the industry exported US$5 billion worth of products.
On Sunday night President Chávez said the industry was exporting 1.5 million barrels a day.
Under Nafta, numerous industries from agriculture to insurance will export more to the newly opened Mexican market.
Soviet industry annually exported 300,000-400,000 cars, mainly was to Eastern Europe, but also to Western countries.
The industry has successfully exported some of its productions to English-speaking markets overseas.
Its industries export to over 115 countries, with an income of US$370 million per year.
Otherwise, the chlor-alkali industry, which has the largest stocks of mercury in Europe, will export huge quantities of it.