Markets help industry grow and create jobs better than Government.
The pharmaceutical industry and physicians have not created this country's health care problems.
Once upon a time I believed that the burgeoning industry of women's athletics would create a fresh athletic model.
But it's nice to see the marketing folks catch up on the waste their industry is creating.
Our industry can create new markets and opportunities with a modest investment in language initiatives.
Garnier's argument is that over the longer term - since 1985 - the industry has created more value than any other.
Indeed, the industry itself has created fear of nuclear power by pointing out that radioactivity can be dangerous.
The industry also has created a program with retailers to stop underage sales.
This industry has also created hundreds of jobs for local people in the impoverished country.
The industry has created over 11,000 new jobs in the area, some 6,000 of them to be within Allegheny County.