An industry based on writing had to collapse when the writer was given an errand-boy status.
At first the leading industry, based in the west, was the spinning and weaving of cotton.
Any or each of the above methods are used in an industry based on its requirements.
One outlet for all this power is industry, based round its huge natural gas reserves.
The effects could be disastrous for the entire fish population, which in turn is bad news for the local industries based on fishing.
At the start of the 19th century, these trades were replaced by industries based on the use of paper.
The region became well known for the money-lending industry based out of Hita.
The five largest companies of the industry in 2009, based on revenue, were:
It is talked about as an industry, based on the safe bet, and a lot of people just don't agree.
They work in an industry based on creating images and alternative realities.