By 1935 industry in 16 countries had adopted the "industrial inch" as it came to be known.
Instead, Mrs. Clinton said the industry should adopt regulations on its own.
He suggested that the industry adopt an alternative such as "the multi-factorial hypothesis."
In case there is a problem, the industry has voluntarily adopted standards to prevent such abuses.
This dual focus is helping the industry adopt an equal-opportunity practice.
In a move whose full costs would not become apparent for twenty-five years, Chinese industry also adopted the Soviet separation of research from production.
However, this has always been a two-way flow, with industry often developing and adopting a technology only later adopted by the military.
In recent years, the industry has adopted the healthful food crusade.
But it is not clear whether that money, or any additional funds, would be released unless the industry adopts the Government's proposed standard.
Until recently most of his inventions, as the industry gradually adopted them, were built into stand-alone computers.