Lingham's industry accolades include:
Respond2 is the largest producer of direct response TV advertising in the country and the recipient of many industry accolades.
In the years following, Digium experienced strong growth and received industry accolades for the disruptive effects of open source telephony.
It won industry accolades almost as soon as it began running a few years ago.
He was the winner of a number of industry accolades, among them the 1991 Harrogate Design Award.
Jacobs has won several industry accolades, including:
Xcelleration was also awarded an industry accolade, the Big "E" for "Best Sports Show of 2005."
Splash has received several industry accolades that include being awarded "Superbrand" status in 2010 and 2011.
Ana Bárbara garnered various industry accolades and toured alongside Mexican icon Vicente Fernández.
The preserved line is now a significant tourist attraction and has been awarded many industry accolades.