But Mr. Pfahl's images of smoke also have fire: the sun-drenched billows he has captured are not nature's own, but the issue of industrial smokestacks.
The industrial smokestacks in the background windows are characteristic of Modernist and avant-garde art, symbolic of the social disillusion associated with rapid industrialization and urbanization.
The air quality management district enforces three volumes of regulations that cover everything from the grittiest industrial smokestacks to charcoal broilers and printing shops.
Some alkaline particles, like ashes from industrial smokestacks, come from the burning of fossil fuels along with sulfur dioxide and were intentionally reduced.
In the commercial on the environment, the same map is shown, only with fumes billowing from the Panhandle as if from an industrial smokestack.
Gleaming industrial smokestacks soon fade in, and disturbingly crack and ooze blood.
Gray-black puffs came from her mouth with each word, like dirty vapor from an industrial smokestack.
THE stubborn stability of many of the pollutants coming out of industrial smokestacks makes it hard to keep them from getting into the air.
Mao rejected the proposal, condemning the wall as an unwanted symbol of feudalism and a hindrance to his plan for a city of industrial smokestacks.
Good News on a Pollutant Acid rain brought on by sulfur emissions from industrial smokestacks has been a cause of much concern in the Northeast.