For New York City, a northeasterly wind would come from Boston, possibly carrying industrial smog.
Last week, shoppers lined up outside state food stores even as dawn broke through the industrial smog that squats on this city, three hours before shop doors opened.
On the same page, under a Northeast Harbor, Me., dateline, Paul H. Nitze contributes a piece ostensibly about industrial smog.
The sacks were filled with a combination of pitch, oil, wood, offal, and metal shavings, designed to produce a good imitation of industrial smog.
It was like a haze of industrial smog.
The scene reflects the postwar affluence of Japan, as does the industrial smog that would keep Mount Fuji from view even if all the area's sleek skyscrapers weren't in the way.
The Asian Brown Cloud, a wind-borne industrial smog that originates on China's east coast, can be seen in California as it rides the jet stream.
The thick layer of industrial smog that had caused the pollution alert blurred the lights of the city, running the colors together so that Tokyo seemed embedded inside a giant clamshell.
The greatest risk is from the use of solid fuel in poor households, rather than from industrial smog in large cities.
In the new, it has become reddish-green, a purposeful addition evoking today's industrial smog.