The company profile includes hydraulic industrial pumps and suspension components for motorcycles and bicycles.
"That's a bummer," said Chris Plumaker, a sales manager for a company that markets industrial pumps.
The country has been home to almost all the leading manufacturers of industrial pumps and valves from around the world since many decades.
The team had rented an industrial pump to drain the field.
Apart from a leading presence in the water pump market, the city's manufacturing houses also specialize in the manufacture of industrial pumps.
Their principal products are industrial pumps and flow control systems.
Then there was a sound like an industrial pump.
The motors of conventional industrial pumps operate at a single speed and the rate at which liquid flows is controlled by a valve.
Large industrial pumps may also serve as the feedwater pump for returning the condensate under pressure to a boiler.
BoShan's major industries are ceramics, industrial pumps, vacuum pumps, chemicals and pharmaceuticals.