The Dow rose 8.3 percent in May, but it was a laggard next to the more broadly based industrial indexes.
The launch vehicle has the industrial index of 9P125.
By April 1924, the agricultural price index had reached 92 (compared to its 1913 level) and the industrial index had fallen to 131.
Fox Business has put together an industrial index made up of "the largest U.S. companies that make the products you know and use every day."
In fact, the market's industrial index, which includes manufacturers, retailers and consumer goods companies, has consistently hit record highs in the last several months.
The Type 90 series was developed for export, which consists of at least 10 different types; its industrial index is YW535.
The Standard & Poor's industrial index also set a record, rising 3.77, to 464.98.
The company is listed on the Zimbabwe Stock Exchange's industrial index.
Market values for global oil companies have increased nearly as much as the Standard & Poor's industrial index, which has risen 20 percent this year.
The industrial index became a popular indicator of stock market activity.