It is a biennial exhibition for power, electrical, and industrial electronics and various other allied products.
In the early 70's, it divided Japan's six largest industrial electronics companies into three teams to design different-sized computers.
The technology can operate at very high temperatures, making it useful in automotive and industrial electronics.
However they soon expanded into industrial electronics.
And so are some of the high-quality, customized goods still produced locally: jet engines, high fashion, specialty chemicals, industrial electronics.
Products include industrial electronics, minor electrical items, automobile parts, and packaging materials.
Mr. Schulmeyer joined Motorola in 1980 as general manager of its international automotive and industrial electronics business.
Witt core business is industrial electronics and rail electronics.
With this merger the college began offering one-year certificates in fields such as industrial electronics, automotive technology, and welding.
It focuses on automotive, industrial and consumer electronics based on Power Architecture technology.