The area quickly became an industrial corridor, and companies that set up shop there were none too concerned about what they dumped into the water.
Moradabad is one of them seven industrial corridors declared by the state government in industrial policy 1999-2002.
And the old industrial corridors along the scenic Hudson are ready and waiting for transformation.
Out of the seven industrial corridors declared by the State Govt.
Manufacturing in the area is growing as the municipality is connected to Mexico's central industrial corridor.
Valtierrilla's population is an important agro-industrial centre for from a few years companies have been created within the industrial corridor.
The city has been trying for more than 20 years to breathe new life into its dormant industrial corridor on both sides of Route 4.
The effort to reshape parts of Englewood's industrial corridor began two decades ago.
There are plans for a new campus directly off County Road 17, which is a fast-growing commercial and industrial corridor.
Warehouses were built in this early industrial corridor, then known as Bellwood, along the railroad line.