The new Objective 4 would concentrate on the adaptation of workers to industrial change and changing production systems.
Then the second official says they must pass a law that defines a Communist as anyone who calls for "political, industrial, social or economic change."
However, after the 1989 Revolution and industrial changes, such mining declined considerably.
The nineteenth century was a period of great change for the village reflecting industrial and agricultural changes across the country.
It was built during a time of great technological, industrial and cultural change.
This too seems to us to be essential for the purposes of managing industrial change.
We are not going to oppose the creation of a monitoring centre for industrial change.
Globalisation and industrial change bring social problems in their wake.
For us as well this is about an overall proactive and socially responsible approach to the management of industrial change.
Where are training and human resources more needed than in areas that are undergoing industrial change?