Hence, hypopressive could be defined as "inducing lowered pressure."
The appeal to Syria was aimed at inducing Syrian pressure on the group that conducted the attack, the official said, in the hope that the organization could be dissuaded from further assaults.
This environment induces high dynamic pressure, high temperature, and high heat flow loads particularly upon the leading edge surfaces of the aerospace plane.
Results are graphed as pressure coefficients (static pressure difference over wind induced dynamic pressure) to obtain windward "pressure" to leeward "suction" distribution curves along the mast/sail's chord.
To induce pressure, an impediment must be put in the way of a flowing quantity.
When brain masses induce pressure on a patient, pain is felt on the outside of the skull, not in the brain itself.
The death induced great pressure on Arizona's state government and is thought to have contributed to the passage of Arizona SB1070 on April 19, 2010.
Ventricular systole induces increased pressure in the left and right ventricles.
Large tanks tend to be vertical cylindrical, or to have rounded corners transition from vertical side wall to bottom profile, to easier withstand hydraulic hydrostatically induced pressure of contained liquid.
Unfortunately, the device used to induce pressure was later damaged when researchers tried to test its effects on other products.