He first encountered the X-Men when they used his station as a staging post for an attack on a group of non-sentient aliens which induced harmful emotions in humans.
But a murder, a virus and a monster all conspire to defile paradise, induce emotions and force a mayhem in which it's unclear who is real and who is robot.
Music can also tap into empathy, inducing emotions that are assumed to be felt by the performer or composer.
In one study, electrical stimulations of the right amygdala induced negative emotions, especially fear and sadness.
Symptoms induce emotions such as fear and anger, which in turn induce temper, which increases the intensity of the symptoms.
States of deprivation (e.g. hunger) induce unpleasant emotions, (i.e. pain), thus motivating individual action.
Reliving positive experiences induces positive emotions, and positive emotions help us to broaden-and-build.
Shade didn't induce simple emotions like friendship.
Using this model, Gerra et al. (2003) analyzed the neuroendocrine responses of both substance dependent individuals and healthy individuals in order to induce pleasant and unpleasant emotions.
Decision-makers who were made to consider safety concerns that induced negative emotions when deciding which car to purchase, were more likely to "choose not to choose," or to stick with the status quo.