They were so named due to their ability rapidly to induce contraction of gut tissue.
Raspberry-leaf tea might be a help without being so strong as to induce major or abrupt contractions.
The treatment uses two drugs, RU486 and a drug to induce contractions of the womb.
They act locally to induce vasodilation and contraction of smooth muscle.
The second pill induces contractions and expulsion of the embryo, usually within four hours.
Carboprost induces contractions and can trigger abortion in early pregnancy.
Along with RU486, another drug is used to help induce uterine contractions and speed the flushing process.
A uterotonic is an agent used to induce contraction or greater tonicity of the uterus.
When taken with a drug that induces uterine contractions, RU-486 produces an abortion.
An ability to induce uterine contractions was what prompted the initial discovery of kalata B1.