This weekend I traded in my running shoes to sample a new type of indoor workout.
The Bonnie season begins in January with indoor workouts in the Jackie Robinson Junior High School gymnasium, near the home fields at the Parade Grounds, and continues through an 80-to-100 game season that lasts until October.
Or conquer the ho-hums with a schedule that mixes indoor and outdoor workouts.
Here is a sampling of spots for your indoor workout.
The Philadelphia Athletics took to sleighs in getting to an indoor workout at their Frederick, Md., camp.
GPS tracks your speed and distance while you run, walk and bike outdoors; built-in accelerometer tracks your speed, distance and steps taken during indoor workouts.
Squeeze in an indoor workout One day this weekend I'll make sure to try some of Glor's Fitness on the Road moves, which can be done at home with very little equipment.
Also, any user may shoot his own video at distant location and use it for his future indoor training purposes or indoor workouts under self-set strict guidelines.
Only about a dozen players took part in a voluntary, indoor workout.
In addition, there is an indoor running track beneath the stands for warming up and for indoor workouts during the winter, and the construction of an underground sports hall is under consideration.