Many people kill their new bonsai plants because they buy an outdoor specimen like juniper without being told it can't stand indoor heat.
It's not just the cold weather zapping your skin of moisture - it's also the indoor heat!
Long before brick or wood houses with indoor heat became commonplace, people had to be creative when building homes to protect them from nature's elements.
The streets fill up with the smells of cooking, the sounds of gossip and wandering locals trying to escape the indoor heat.
They have indoor heat and plumbing, but allow no radio or television.
Use a humidifier to lessen the drying effects of indoor heat on your skin in the winter.
Like others in the area, he raved about being able to sleep again on his roof, away from the sweltering indoor heat.
Rough, flaky, scaly spots are remnants of winter's dry indoor heat, which evaporates the water in skin - especially if you take long, hot showers and don't moisturize regularly.
A crowd of 150, most of them students seated cross-legged on the floor, were fighting an indoor heat that had them wilting like parched house plants.
As a child, my mother unsuccessfully tried to cool off from the indoor heat of her Bronx apartment by sleeping on the fire escape.