"My lady, it is a testament to your indomitable character that you manage to carve out an oasis of civility in this rough- hewn environment," Zorth said.
In his own way, and for reasons having as much to do with history as with his own indomitable character, Tresca has his immortality.
Now he realized some measure of her indomitable character.
During his confinement, Martok came to respect the indomitable character and fighting qualities of Worf.
Now he realized some measure of her indomitable character She could not have been above ten Turns of age herself when Fax had murdered her family.
Her resolution not to enter on the question with him, and his knowledge of her indomitable character, enhanced his sense of helplessness.
Instead of inhabiting the play's indomitable central character, she simply recycles her natural comic persona, turning a potentially heartbreaking woman into a belligerent stand-up comic.
You wouldn't expect a victim to write a detailed account of the experience, but such was the indomitable character of Leonidas Hubbard.
Annie is one of those resilient, indomitable characters, mandated to be memorable.
She has indomitable character and inexhaustible will of bringing help.