Except that with the individualized service, they arrived at the prom a little late.
The ultimate push will be the creation of custom-built channels, an individualized on-line service that is built when a user is off line.
Other individualized services such as childcare or help overcoming substance abuse are also an important component of workforce development.
She presses on with her vision of "individualized services, with aggressive attention to outreach and to maintaining personal relationships over time."
Students whose primary language is not English are eligible for individualized instructional services.
This may be carrying the notion of individualized service to excess, but the point is well made.
The old practice of individualized service caused higher overhead, and clerks needed to know the merchandise.
The center provides individualized services, treatment, care, rehabilitation and education to those in distress.
Identifying struggling students as early as kindergarten and providing individualized services is the real challenge.
He added, however, that individualized service in the cycling world was increasing.