In doing this, the Third Circuit found that SSA's interpretation of "comparable severity" was too restrictive and preclusive of an individualized assessment of children's functional impairments.
On the other hand, court decisions have made necessary "an individualized assessment to prove that an impairment is protected under the ADA.
"The whole idea is we were going to do these individualized assessments and get people the services they need," she said.
The Services are extensive programs including individualized psychological assessment and diagnosis, individualized counseling, group therapy, case consultations, skill training talks and workshops and psychological education.
Until the value system that supports college education is ready to pay for more individualized assessment, there is no real option.
It said the undergraduate admissions program failed because it lacked the sort of individualized assessments Bakke required.
Justice Braun said the manual, which says certain college students on public assistance must take workfare jobs, "does not allow for individualized assessment."
About half the states do make individualized assessments of dangerousness before posting an offender's information.
An individualized assessment presumably permits consideration of race as one of the elements in an applicant's personal profile, as a race-neutral approach would not.
It's an individualized assessment.