Perhaps an individual has undergone a surgery or medical procedure that requires some manner of physical restitution on a personal level.
It would have required that individuals undergo a second examination within six months to see if they have developed the deadly disease.
As more individuals have undergone testing, risk assessment models have improved.
The individual has undergone change through time, reaching its zenith in popularity at some point, and will eventually fade away.
Transsexual individuals may undergo some, all, or none of the medical procedures available, depending on personal feelings, health, income, and other considerations.
An individual can undergo binary fission by splitting in half and growing into two organisms.
In this way, individuals could potentially undergo large, rapid phenotypic changes.
Therefore, individuals scoring 7 or above should undergo a more thorough psychosocial evaluation.
These individuals must meet strict guidelines and undergo extensive background checks before being placed into the program.