As long as we are well versed in personal piety and individual salvation, we think we're good.
Until the last 50 years, moral instruction in America had inculcated personal responsibility, and most sermons had focused on individual salvation.
The Makuyas are concerned not only about individual salvation but also the spiritual restoration, or enhancement, of each nation and social group.
Kleiman stated that the participants were "not trying to achieve statistical significance, they're interested in individual salvation."
Finally, the Qadiri sect focused much more on individual salvation rather than the need to improve society (as the Nakshbandi did).
This is not necessary to individual salvation, no.
He has also challenged traditional evangelicals' emphasis on individual salvation, end-times theology and the prosperity gospel.
Christianity, they suggested, was just as concerned with the pursuit of social justice as it was with the struggle for individual salvation.
Most British Israel movements believe that personal, individual salvation is open to all people.
Paul's primary focus was not individual salvation, but corporate salvation.