They can grow to a maximum length of 1 foot; however, individuals ranging between 8 and 10.5 inches are more common.
They meet a variety of individuals ranging from hippie musicians to intellectuals, whose responses are everything from the mundane to the spiritual.
The central type of the CEOT occurs in individuals ranging in age from 20-60 years.
The meeting, which had no decision-making powers, was attended by over 150 prominent individuals, ranging from political leaders to artists.
The concerts are made up of performances by recognised individuals and bands ranging in size from three to twenty members.
The population estimate for the angonoka tortoise in the wild is about 600 individuals, ranging from 440 to 770, but is still decreasing.
Such population are highly variable, with the genetic and phenotypic characteristics of individuals ranging widely between the two parent types.
In just one pit deposit, this study found 1906 bones and bone fragments from at least 10 individuals ranging from newborns to adults.
It caters for individuals and groups ranging from pre-school to mature-age.
This usually involves leg bones in graduated sizes from different individuals ranging in age from embryos to adults.