Now each fisherman owns what is called an individual transferable quota - the right to catch a certain percentage of the yearly haul.
Since computerized supervision there is little incentive to do anything but meet one's individual quota.
Those unhappy with this system would instead allot fishermen individual quotas.
Where netting is permitted, the fishermen are on individual quotas.
The first country to adopt individual transferable quotas as a national policy was New Zealand in 1986.
OPEC said those members that had exceeded their individual quotas of production would stop doing so in order to promote more stable prices.
In some public debate, rights-based management is equated with the employment of individual transferable quotas.
We can also look at Iceland, where we have a successful market-oriented approach with individual tradeable quotas.
I am talking here about a system of individual transferable quotas, or ITQs.
A system of individual transferable quotas in the Icelandic fisheries, first introduced in the late 1970s, was further developed.