As more companies and individuals put information online, there is a greater opportunity to obtain that information.
This means that individuals can put a demand on who they want to sample (targeting)
But how much an individual should put into each type of investment varies with his or her risk tolerance, liquidity needs and investment goals.
But they said he had not ruled out a compromise that would allow individuals to put part of their payroll taxes into a personal account.
Furthermore, many individuals put their votes into management hands when they return their proxy statements.
The exciting potential is if individuals put some of their money in financial markets.
However, the individuals put in charge of the company mismanaged the funds, and investors lost most of their capital.
Mr. Hilliard said, "Of course, individuals can put a twist on this."
If the Council had been more generous, many institutions and individuals would have put money on the table.
An individual can, each year, put in an amount up to the lower of 100% of their earned income or the prevailing annual allowance.