But, as we learned, the presence or absence of the individual offender was the least important part of a trial.
This is in contrast to the current method in some states, where prosecutors or the courts tier individual offenders.
Classical criminology stresses that causes of crime lie within the individual offender, rather than in their external environment.
Removing sentencing discretion from judges and forcing them to follow fixed guideline formulas is a disaster for individual offenders.
We now focus on the individual offender and his treatment after the crime has been committed.
The problem lay in the propensities of individual offenders who were biologically distinguishable from law-abiding citizens.
For many years there have been reports of the Government sending away entire families, not just individual offenders.
It is typically free of cost, however its effectiveness to deter crime varies with the individual offender.
The emphasis is still upon the individual offender, not the crime.
This does not exclude devoting resources to individual offenders by, for example, offering conversation therapy and other methods to counteract violent behaviour.