At the end of 1986 there were 3.4 million individual holdings of units.
The individual holdings were widely scattered, so that no single farmer would end up with all the good or bad land.
The individual holdings are, and the funds did not do well during the bear market for junk bonds in 1990.
Foreign individual holdings were limited to 5 per cent.
The only restriction is that foreign investors cannot have an individual holding of more than 15% in a sugar company.
However, the individual holdings were not granted until 3 years after an 1872 Act of Congress passed.
If you focus on your individual holdings too often, you will not want to play the game.
For example, not enough attention is given to the situation of individual holdings.
A ceiling should be set on the amount of agricultural support that can be given to individual holdings.
That is because as the fund grows, individual holdings have a smaller effect on the fund's return.
Only five individuals have held the post of President in the last 50 years.
As such, only a few individuals have held the title.
But no individual may hold the office for more than two consecutive terms.
However, individuals may hold their own personal interpretations as well.
Many individuals hold the titles up to the present time.
The maximum (as of the 2007 tax year) that an individual can hold is £30,000.
Since 1999, when the Council chose its own chairman for the first time, the following individuals have held the office.
All individuals must hold themselves accountable for their actions and behavior.
By the end of the 18th century an individual could hold only one colonelcy.
Even within a denomination, individuals and groups may hold different views.