It may be that that individual does not function normally as a consequence of the sensory deprivation.
In June 2009, the neighbourhood partook in an "eco-mobility" challenge to determine how well individuals could function without the automobile.
Societies cannot function without grand narratives any more than individuals can function without memory and foresight.
The title Jivanmukta applies only where the God realized individual has no spiritual duty and does not function within the spiritual hierarchy.
A weak individual could not function.
Yet without a rich set of socially appropriate durational expectancies, no individual could function successfully.
Developing in multiple vectors allows individuals to function with greater stability and intellectual complexity.
These individuals function as a family, eating together, discussing school and friends, doing homework, playing in the family room.
It assumes the obvious falsehood that an individual can function in isolation like an atom.
Some findings indicate that, in the long term, many schizophrenic individuals function better without antipsychotic medicine.