These compound libraries can be made as mixtures, sets of individual compounds or chemical structures generated in computer.
The fingerprint region is more specific to an individual compound.
A major hindrance to the monitoring of oil sands produced waters has been the lack of identification of individual compounds present.
Selection invention essentially means that an individual compound from one group can be patented again if more is learned about its unique characteristics.
Further fractionation of the extract can be achieved using solid phase extraction columns, and may lead to isolation of individual compounds.
The energies at which Reststrahlen bands occur vary and are particular to the individual compound.
The villas of weathered stone with thatched roofs are set in individual walled compounds.
First, the solubilities of the individual compounds are determined.
Either the feedstock(s), the product(s), or both may be individual compounds or mixtures.
Mass spectrometry, often used to determine structure, is a method in which individual compounds are identified based on their mass/charge ratio, after ionization.