Each family was born from a small number of individuals, chosen after competitive selection and extensive and exhaustive vetting.
In statistics, a simple random sample is a subset of individuals (a sample) chosen from a larger set (a population).
The individuals chosen to design and implement the Lasix study are all well-known scientists.
In turn, he will delegate authority to 144,000 select individuals, individually chosen by Jehovah from among humanity.
Tournament selection involves running several "tournaments" among a few individuals chosen at random from the population.
There is much dissent among them, as individuals chosen for researching a better process never return.
Sydney was one of the individuals chosen to start a space colony of "super humans".
She is one of many superpowered individuals chosen by the deity Argus to help retrieve needed keys.
The third is a potluck, available to both a user's meal network as well as other individuals chosen by the host.
He also established legislative bodies run by individuals chosen by lottery, a true test of real democracy, rather than kinship or heredity.