Throughout this period there is a trend towards individual burials, with some distinguished exceptions.
An individual burial was found, perhaps a local leader, it was placed in the small space between the wall and the rock of the cave.
The earliest stone circles and individual burials also appear.
"If it takes two weeks or so to conduct individual burials, then you could potentially have a public-health disease threat."
Throughout this period the trend was towards individual burials, with some distinguished exceptions.
These are shaft graves, dug into the local sediment, used for individual burials and never reopened.
Two individual burials were found under the site.
This ossuary was found on May 17, 1937; the day after the individual burial was discovered.
In the case of individual burials, the chamber is thought to signify a higher status for the interree than a simple grave.
Neolithics would have put the rocks there as support for a group burial mound in the days before metal and the individual burial of warlords.