In some cases, affected individuals may have associated conditions including hypertension or the thrombosis.
Obviously, this is illegal for the campaign itself to do, but for individuals associated with the campaign it could be a gray area.
This test measures the extent to which an individual will associate two individual concepts.
Many individuals within the prohibition movement associated the crime and morally corrupt behavior of the cities of America with their large immigrant populations.
Many pro-life individuals associate this act with abortion and consider it immoral.
In some cases, affected individuals may have associated conditions including high blood pressure or formation of blood clots.
This approach measures the extent to which individuals associate with particular cultural or ethnic groups.
Wired glass, as it is typically described, does not perform the function most individuals associate it with.
This species, he realized now, was monogamous; individuals associated intimately with only one partner at a time.
It became evident that individuals associate music with space.