There might have been that many, but they were a tangled mass of tentacles, indistinguishable even by gender.
The eight corpses swung in their chains, a fetid, blackened, hideous, and indistinguishable mass.
Every monitor flickered with static or struggled with an indistinguishable mass of color and shapes.
They dressed in strong 'stuff' gowns and quilted petticoats; their hair, caps and bonnets were flattened into one indistinguishable mass upon their heads.
They followed him over the edge of the cliff, tumbling on top of each other in an indistinguishable mass.
He depicts Arabs and Muslims in the United States as a homogenous mass among whom lurk, indistinguishable, the mad bombers.
The countries that we for so long lumped together into one gray, indistinguishable mass of oppressive regimes and unpronounceable languages are now, incredibly, the rage.
They had become further enmeshed, Odo saw, their bodies having drawn closer together, although they had not yet dissolved into an indistinguishable mass.
Grossly, MNs appear as solitary, unilateral masses indistinguishable from nephroblastoma.
In contrast, Cerrado depicts the people not as an indistinguishable mass but as individual grimacing visages trapped within a grid of boxes.