These are very real possible side effects, thus indiscriminate use is never justified.
We also showed how the indiscriminate use of praise is a poor substitute for positive and specific feedback.
But generally, he believed, "the indiscriminate use of first names is inappropriate."
The main trouble with John's northern types, not of his making, is the indiscriminate use made of it by students in the south.
Instead, they found a land that had been greatly altered by the Indians' indiscriminate use of fire and other human activities.
Here too, the report found, there was indiscriminate use of batons.
"Are we going to encourage the indiscriminate use of Celebrex?"
There is unanimity about few things these days, but mention the indiscriminate use of first names and listen to the reaction.
Certainly its indiscriminate use would result in far more harm than good; and no one should adopt it without minute directions from a physician.
There can be no justification for such indiscriminate use of force, which we condemn.